Once your account is ready you will need two things - the OpenVPN Connect client on your computer/laptop and a Two-Factor Authentication client such as Google Authenticator on your mobile device.
You will need a Two-Factor Authentication client on your mobile device such as Google Authenticator. This is an app that will generate 6 digit codes needed to log in. These codes are constantly changing so there's no need to remember new passwords, but it does provide an extra level of security in case your password is compromised. You may use whatever app you prefer, but Google Authenticator is the simplest:
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&hl=en_CA
iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/google-authenticator/id388497605 or search the app store for "Google Authenticator"
Install the app ready for the next step.
Download the file and install it on your computer. Installing is easy, simply click next until the process is complete.
Place the RDP (Remote Desktop) shortcut onto your desktop (Or somewhere convenient to access)
You will need to download the Microsoft Remote Desktop client from the app store: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/microsoft-remote-desktop-10/id1295203466?mt=12
Other clients that support RDP may work.
In order to access the workstation provisioned to you will first need to use OpenVPN to open up the connection to the resort
Click the toggle to connect. You will need to provide your windows username (first initial + last name, lower case) and password.
You will then be asked for the current Authenticator Code from Google Authenticator.
If the credentials are correct OpenVPN will say CONNECTED and display a graph
Once you are connected to the VPN you can connect to your desktop using the remote desktop shortcut that you were sent.
Your computer knows nothing about your work computer so you may receive some warnings about the computer not being recognized.
Click connect or yes to these messages as we know we are connecting to a trusted computer.
You should now be connected